Sometimes It Get's Worse Before It Gets Better
If you have ever watched a home improvement show, or have done any remodeling yourself, you understand the process that has to occur for...
Sometimes It Get's Worse Before It Gets Better
What am I missing?
How Do You Want To Feel?
The Spaces In Between
Leaning Into our Stress Responses
What I learned from a houseplant
Building Self-Confidence: Are You Living Small? -with special guest Life Coach, Heidi Dunkley
The Story of Your Life...
A Christian View on Perfectionism
Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Subconscious Dreaming
Gaining Momentum
You are the Captain of Your Soul
Emotions: Are they good and bad?
Exploring Post Traumatic Growth
Why Do We Sometimes Fear Joy?
Soul Purpose: Empowering or Intimidating
What I learned from being in a Cocoon
Why Frequencies Matter